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Finally Got To Meet Pickachu!

In all my life, I never thought I'd be able to utter those words! But technically, I'm telling the truth. Ryan Reynolds is (or was) Pikachu in his highly successful movie, "Pokemon Detective." And goodness, what I would do to live in that world. Seeing all sorts of Pokemon just walking down the street? That'd be amazing! 

Though I would have liked the cute Pikachu similar to the one in the TV series, Reynolds' own interpretation was top notch. I found it refreshing that his Pikachu was able to converse with humans. And I bet I'd have such a great time with it if the world was real. Oh well, I'll just have to settle with Reynolds instead. Meeting him on the red carpet premiere of the movie, I realized that he was the perfect choice to voice my favorite Pokemon. Just like the character, be it on TV or in the movie, Pikachu is a naturally comical figure. And Reynolds is a naturally funny guy. In fact, the rest of the cast were naturally funny too. 

I'm sure lots of autograph hounds will use this joke, but I don't care. I met a Pikachu and that makes me content with this hobby that I've pursued for many years now! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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