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Face-to-Face with a Couple of Legends

It's not every day that I get to be face-to-face with legends. Especially when those legends are from the future! However, when I followed the cast of "Legends of Tomorrow" during their press junket, I realized just how legendary they really are. Or at least, very very good at their jobs! 

As an autograph hound, one of the perks of living in New York is seeing all your favorite stars do press. There are so many media outlets and networks that touch base here that stars are almost always required to go to the Big Apple. More so when they're promoting something. And so, that's what the cast of the CW's "Legends of Tomorrow" did. A lot of the cast members went to multiple interviews, talking about the series and what to expect in the upcoming season. And I got their autographs! 

The one I remember most was Brandon Routh. Even though he's great as Atom in the series. I'll never not see him as Superman. "Superman Returns" was the first comic book superhero movie I ever watched in the cinemas. I liked him as the 'Man of Steel,' maybe even more so than Henry Cavill. When I got his autograph, I honestly thought I was getting Superman's autograph! 

Then there's Caity Lotz, who I love as the Black Canary. She looked very pretty, even more so in real life than on the TV. She was nice enough to sign all of my posters, even though they were just multiple copies of the same poster. And after having met all of them I concluded that she really was the star of that show! I hope I'll see her again on-screen soon! 

Now that the series has ended, I feel sorry for those who weren't able to see it when it was on. Oh well, there's still YouTube, and hopefully, it'll be on Netflix or Amazon Prime soon! Either way, this was an underrated gem as far as comic book superhero adaptations are concerned! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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