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A Great Film for The Great American Pasttime

If you were to ask me, there hasn't been a great baseball movie since the 1992 star-studded hit, "A League Of Their Own." When it comes to sports and film, football, basketball, and soccer have dominated the game. But now, a new film looks like it might revitalize people's passion for the "Great American Pasttime." And this is "Full Count. " 

What makes the movie extraordinary is that it gives a huge emphasis on faith. Some might even accuse it of a Christian film, but I personally don't see it. It's simply a feel-good movie with an inspiring message. I don't necessarily think that sort of message has exclusivity within any religion, but hey, that's just me! Anyways, for anyone who just wants to have a good time, this film is more than enough! 

In fact, I was enamored by the film that I wrote them a letter. Yes, this is how I was so affected by it. I'm not one to usually send out fan mail, but because the movie touched me so much, I felt I had to. In it, I commended the filmmakers for a job well done. While the film doesn't break ground in terms of technical skill, it did do exceptionally well in terms of storytelling. I also praised the actors. Even though they're not Hollywood megastars, they capture my imagination just as well. 

After I sent it, I honestly thought nothing of it anymore. If they ever planned on giving me a response I only expected a general thank you note written by some assistant or intern. But what I got instead astounded me. In response to my heartfelt letter, the cast and director also thanked me for having loved the film. They wrote that it touched them dearly knowing how much the film meant to me. And not only that, but they also gave me a stack of copies of the movie poster, each one signed by all of the stars. Now that's a 'thank you' gift! 

If you still need more convincing to see this film, I can't help you any longer. Apart from the great story and the awesome performances, the goodwill the cast and crew gave me because of my fan letter should be enough to push you to check this movie out! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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