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A Bevy of Stars for Beowulf

Who would have thought that an animated film would have this many great stars? Sir Anthony Hopkins,  John Malkovich, and Angelina Jolie? Incredible! Though who'd ever expect less for a movie adaptation of one of the oldest stories in the world? 


I actually attended the Los Angeles premiere for the film along with a couple of friends. I was there to see the stars, my friends, on the other hand, were literary geeks and they couldn't believe that this once-forgotten Old English poem was finally getting a movie adaptation. Still, even though we went there with different objectives, I still got them to help me get my movie posters signed by the cast. After all, with these incredible actors, nobody would want to miss the opportunity, right? 


Sir Anthony Hopkins was the first star we got to sign our posters. For a man of his age, he looked good. I have to admit, he still kinda scares the shit outta me because he will always be Dr. Hannibal Lector to me but just being in his presence will make you feel a certain way. Not really scared, per se, but just intimidated. I honestly didn't think he'd sign our posters that night. I thought that he'd consider something "beneath him." But nope! He was happy to give his autographs to me and my friends. It was awesome! After Hopkins was Angelina Jolie. At the time, she was still with Brad Pitt so we had the rare opportunity to be face-to-face with Hollywood's ultimate power couple. And damn! She is so beautiful! She was only in a trench coat and, I guess, a black dress underneath. So casual for a red carpet event but she still looked like a million bucks. Well, when she has that face, anything will look expensive. With her, we were also surprised that she was generous with her autographs. I never pegged her as someone who signed anything for fans. But she proved me wrong! 

We also got some of the rest of the cast to sign our posters but it was really Sit Anthony Hopkins and Angelina Jolie that took our breaths away. Just seeing them in person was overwhelming! Unfortunately, John Malkovich and Robin Wright weren't there that night. We had to entrust one of our colleagues (who's a Hollywood insider) to complete the autographs for us. After a few months of what seemed like forever, we eventually got the posters back with their signatures. His only request out of our deal was to never ask him how he got such A-list stars to sign them. To this, I still don't know what he did!  


I'm still waiting for a new movie that will have as many prominent stars as "Beowulf" had. Hopefully, by the time that happens, I'll still be able to go to the premiere and get myself some autographs! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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