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Satisfying my Lust for Christian Bale 

Okay, I know my blog title is a little out there, but hear me out! First of all, I did not assault the beautiful Christian Bale, let's just start right there! Also, the title doesn't allude to any solo activities I might have indulged in, so get your mind out of the gutter now before reading any further! 

I'm so obsessed with Christan Bale that just seeing him in person is enough for me. And that's exactly what I did when I "satisfied my lust" for him. It was back in 2013 and I had just moved to LA to begin my new job. My area was a bus-ride away from Hollywood so I knew I'd spot a few celebrities here and there. The one person I truly wanted to see, however, was Christian Bale. He is my Batman and American Psycho, my dream man! But even after a few months have passed, I didn't get the courage to hunt him down. 

That was, until, his latest movie at the time premiered. It was "Out of the Furnace" which also starred Zoe Saldana, Woody Harrelson, and Casey Affleck, among others. Bale was looking fine at the trailer and I could help but blush every time I saw it in the theaters or on TV. Finally, my new friend at the time, Rachel, told me that she got tickets to go to the red carpet event and she forced my butt to go with her. I immediately surrendered. 

That night, it was me, Rachel, and her two other friends, Bailey and Natalie. We all enjoyed seeing stars and screaming fans as they passed us by. Bailey, who was dating a guy who ran a theater at the time, got us copies of the movie poster so we could get the stars' autographs. Eventually, the stars came and signed our posters. Zoe Saldana, Casey Affleck, Forest Whitacker, and more. 

Then, as if out of nowhere, Christian Bale appeared. I was so mesmerized just staring at him as he posed for the cameras. And as he approached our area, I turned into a human tomato. He smiled at me, asked me if I wanted him to sign my posters, and stupid old me just nodded in silence and awe. He must have thought me weird to be so quiet and just staring at him, but he also would ahve been used to it by then. 

To this day, the girls still tease me about that moment. But I don't care. I met Christian Bale in the flesh! That's the highlight of my life so far! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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