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Meeting The Scariest Family In America Right Now

Not since "The Others" have I been so scared of a family. Like damn! Jordan Peele really knows how to scare the sh*t off of audiences. I thought "Get Out" was creepy, it pales in comparison to "Us," starring some of my fave actors, Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o. It was honestly weird seeing them play bad guys, but that was part of the fun! 

I went to the premiere with my team to get the cast's autographs, not knowing that moments later we'd all be voiceless after screaming so loud in the cinema. Though we did scream hard to get the cast's attention too, so that might have helped. It was your typical red carpet premiere. Lupita Noyng'o looked scary good in her red sparkly dress and confident afro. She really is a fashion icon; that woman can dress! Meanwhile, my man Winston Duke looked dapper himself sporting a purple suit. It takes a special kind of confidence to rock that color. 

Jordan Peele, on the other hand, is probably one of the most humble Hollywood celebrities I've ever met. He was just in a plaid shirt, a jacket, and jeans on the red carpet. While the stars had all this swag, he went as if it was just another day in the office. Mind you, this was in London, so it was pretty chilly then. But still, one would think he was just an assistant to the stars. And I ain't saying this to diss him. It's a testament to his character that a guy of his caliber in writing and directing don't care for the frivolous side of the movie industry. I only have mad respect for him. 

"Us" is a must-watch for any horror movie fan out there. It's a modern and sinister new film that's bound to be classic years from now! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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