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Got A Little Too Furious with the "2 Fast 2 Furious" Cast!

Okay, the "Fast & Furious" franchise movies are cool and all, but not when they're actually filming in your city. Miami is busy enough as it is. When big studios film their new movies here, it becomes more of a hectic mess! And at some point, I came a little too furious at these racing devils! 

What can I say? I'm an ordinary guy who, like many other people in this city, have to go to work. We're not going to stop our lives just because some movies are being filmed in the city. We've gotten used to it at some point. But for a movie like "2 Fast 2 Furious," it was especially hard. Their scenes often involve our big roads, and while they mostly filmed in quieter and emptier areas, there were times they filmed right smack in the middle of the city. And of course, a lot of us stuck in traffic and late for work. 

At one point, I got so angry, I got out of my car and yelled at the poor AD. Being the underling that he was, he had no choice but to just listen to my ranting and tried his best to diffuse the situation. In all honesty, that got me even angrier. I'm sure that AD didn't choose to film the scene in the middle of a busy road. Yet it was he who got the most of the brunt from the citizens. 

Knowing this to be unfair, I wrote a letter to the producers expressing my outrage for having been late to work a couple of times. I told them how disrespectful their disruptive filming was to the livelihoods of the many Floridians who just wanted to go on with their lives. To my surprise, however, the filmmakers responded! Not only that, but they also gave me some freebies! 

In the package they sent me, they gave me two free tickets to the premiere of the movie and a few copies of the movie's poster signed by the cast themselves. In a letter, they apologized for having disturbed us citizens but that they had no choice. Of course, even though I was basically a nobody to them, I was still a potential movie-goer that can fill up their pockets. And so they included all these goodies to get me to watch the movie. In the end, I did and I actually liked the film. 

While I did enjoy "2 Fast 2 Furious," I don't need all fo these signed posters lying around in my home. For all of you devoted "Fast & Furious" fans out ther, enjoy! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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