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Getting Gandalf's and Galadriel's Autographs for the Last Time

When I went to the premiere of "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies," it was with a heavy heart that I asked the cast's autographs. It's not that I wasn't going to meet them ever again. With their talents? They'd be in loads of other movies. But for a lot of them, this was the last time they'd appear in a Tolkien-inspired movie. 

I was most emotional with Sir Ian McKellen. His 'Gandalf' was the best acting I've ever seen. I inhabited that role like no other! Though he's equally as famous as Magneto in the "X-Men" film franchise, for me, He'll always be Gandalf. 

He'll always be that wise grey-cloaked wizard that helped the beings of Middle Earth defeat the forces of evil. And he'll always be the best grandpa I hope to have had. Not that I don't love my own grandfather, but imagine having Gandalf as a grandparent! The stories he'd tell you at bedtime! 


Seeing Cate Blanchett also got time. No matter what other roles I see her in, she'll always be Galadirel to me. Mostly because no other actress could have done that role justice. Whoever would play Galadriel shouldn't just be blonde, tall, and beautiful. She had to have a certain air about her. She had to be extremely sophisticated. And, she had to make it seem that she's been alive for centuries. Blanchett had those down to a tee! Like many others in all of Peter Jackson's Tolkien movies, she should have raked in awards for her performances as Galadriel! 

Seein these actors take to the big screen as Gandalf and Galadriel respectively for the last time broke my heart to pieces. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. I'm just grateful they made theirs a great thing, not just good! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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