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Billie Eilish: The Next Big Red Carpet Star!

With her unique style and cool attitude, I won't be surprised if Billie Eilish will be the next big red carpet style. Though I don't think she's ever gunning to be that at all, I'm not sure the fashion world can resist her. She reminds me so much of Kate Moss when she first debuted in the 90s. 

Remember, Kate Moss was practically the face of the grunge trend that dominated the 90s. Her face alone sent the fashion industry into a frenzy. And I honestly see Billie Eilish doing the same thing. It doesn't hurt that her own style is as unique as grunge. Baggy clothes, weird head-gear, and prints on prints. She doesn't give a f*ck about what she wears or if it's cool or not and fashion loves that! I did too when I saw her at one event. 

I saw her at the iHeartRadio Music Awards and she wore this black outfit printed with Sailor Moon. Yes, the Anime character Sailor Moon. Her look was wild, weird, wacky, yet interesting all at the same time. I doubt she made any best-dressed lists that evening. She did, however, win me over all over again. I was already ther as a fan of hers. I brought along some posters I wanted to sign. But when I saw her daring outfit, I loved her even more. 

When she was walking near me, I screamed her name so loud that she literally looked right at me. I don't know if she was happy or scared but I was living for her! When she did approach me, I swear, I almost fainted. I could barely get my words out without choking on them. Fortunately, the fan next to me calmed me down right before Billie reached me. And she talked to me, I told her how much I loved her. She gave me a big hug right after that. 

I then asked her to sign my posters and she did! She signed each one, even though they're all basically the same poster. But the best part was, after signing them, she told me that if I planned to sell them online, she wouldn't get mad. And so, here they are... online! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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