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A Comedy Classic with Comedy Legends

Autograph-hounding is actually quite fun. My dad was one and he taught me the tricks of the trade. He knew how to time himself when approaching a celebrity. He knew where to go to ensure he'll meet a star. And during red carpet events, he knew where to position himself amidst the crowd. 

I'll never forget the lessons I learned from him. It was seeing him so full of glee after he got his notebook signed that I became so fascinated with his hobby. I thought, "How could someone get so happy?" And when I did it for myself for the first time, I found out why. There is instant gratification with the whole thing. It's sort of like, in Greek Mythology, getting to meet one of the Gods and getting a blessing from him/her. There's the sense that you were able to get something from someone famous that not a lot of people will ever get to see for themselves. 

After my dad passed away, I looked over his things. And boy did I get the surprise of my life! I knew he was a good autograph hound, but seeing all the autographs he was able to get through the years, he was definitely one of the greats. He even got some of the most famous Hollywood icons to sign his stuff. I saw Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando, Robert DeNiro, and Diane Keaton, among many others. 

But out of all the things he had signed, perhaps the most unique was from the cast of the movie "Caddyshack." I actually remember that film! My family and I would watch it on VHS when I was younger. And boy did we have fun seeing those comedy legends do their thing on screen! It's not that popular a film for many people nowadays, but for me, it's a glorious reminder of my childhood.

Anyways, what was so unique about it was that my dad actually had a stack of the movie's posters all signed by the cast themselves. And for him to have done all of that was a real feat. the movie's cast had the likes of Bill Murray and Chevy Chase—comedy legends, both of them! The fact that my dad was able to get them to sign all of his copies blew my mind! He really was an autograph-hounding legend! 

I'm sure he would ahve wanted to share these amazing artifacts of his life with people who had the same passion for Hollywood films. I do hope that any of you lucky enough to have purchased one of these copies appreciate the effort my dad took to achieve this! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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