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Witnessing the Reunion of the "Top Gun" Crew

"Top Gun" will always be one of my favorite films. It's a high-flying action spectacle that gave Hollywood some of its best leading men today. And also, it's such a fun movie to watch. With such charismatic characters played by even more charming actors, it was movie magic at its finest. 

I had the utmost privilege of attending a special 25th-anniversary event for the film when I worked for a media company in LA. I covered the night, which gave me access to the film's top stars. And wow, did they look ageless! A lot of them, namely Tom Cruise and Meg Ryan, still looked like when they first appeared in the movie. And take note, this was 25 years ago. Almost three decades have passed. I don't know what these stars are doing to remain youthful but it was obviously working. 

Val Kilmer also impressed me, though he has substantially aged. As did Tim Robbins. These Hollywood icons have matured into quite the gentlemen. And their careers have since soared to new heights after "Top Gun" was first premiered. I interviewed them a bit for my article. They talked about how much fun they had on set. Seeing all the airforce hullabaloo and acting like they were really in the military. Robbins even admitted that working on the film was one of the high points of his youth. 

When the room had settled down, we all watched the movie again. Now with all this new knowledge straight from the stars themselves, I enjoyed the film even more. So much so that, after the film, I rushed to the merch table to get a few copies of the original movie poster. And after the question-and-answer forum, I met up with the stars again and asked for their autographs. To my astonishment, they all signed each copy. I was floored! 

To this day, that moment remains the pinnacle of my journalistic career. I haven't had a moment like that since. And you know what? I don't even care anymore. That one moment was enough! As well as these amazing signed posters! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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