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The Most Glamorous Women I've Ever Met!

In all my life, I've only ever known four women to be the most glamorous ever! They live in New York, know all about sex and relationships, and are the best girlfriends on TV ever! You probably already know who I'm talking about, right? Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha! 


Ever since I became a young woman in the early 2000s, "Sex And The City" had been my guide through life. Even today, I still watch many of the old episodes and a lot of what they talked about are still relevant and still resonate with me now! And when the movies came out? You bet your ass I was first in-line at the cinema! In fact, I even went as far as to go to the "Sex And the City 2" movie premiere in New York. I already lived in New Jersey so the trip wasn't that hectic! 


I'll never forget seeing the four women in person for the first time. It didn't even feel like I was a fan meeting my celebrity idols. Well, at first it did, but when I realized how nice and personable they all were, I felt more like someone reuniting with her best girlfriends. Having watched them for most of my adult life, it's only natural, right? It's not like I acted like I knew them personally or whatever, but I did get the courage to ask for their autographs. And when they gave them to me, instead of feeling intimidated at the presences of these iconic stars, I was more comfortable than anything! 


I remember Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon being the most welcoming. There was something about them that made you feel calm and comfortable. And it was weird too because I know just how huge of a star SJP is. I mean, I am one of her biggest fans after all. But when she signed my movie posters (of the movie), I simply felt at easy. I was grinning from ear to ear, of course, but I did not feel the least intimidated. It was the same with Nixon too. I felt like it was just Miranda in front of me, not some celebrity! 


The other two, Kristin Davis and Kim Catrall, however, had such star quality that you can't help but feel a little shy. But not so much that you won't feel comfortable or anything, it's just that they were so beautiful (well, all of them are!) that I lost myself a moment. Especially with Kim Catrall! Even beyond the screen, this woman had that sexy 'Samantha' energy. It didn't help that her gold gown made here look even hotter! If I were a guy, I'm sure I would have been turned on at the sight of her! Charlotte, or Kristin Davis, on the other hand, had the sweetness that a guy would fall in love with at first sight! 


I'll also never forget that I got Mr. Big, Chris Noth's, autograph too. He really is as dashing and debonaire in person! Even when he aged a little, he still looked like that mature Prince Charming that sweeped Carrie off her feet! Man, he was incredible in both the series and the movies! No other actor could have done better!  


Today, I still watch "Sex And The City" episodes and the movies from time to time. I'll never forget it for the rest of my life. Neither will many more women around the world too, I think! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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