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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. At Your Service.

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Sylvester Stallone's Daughter is A Star In The Making

I know Celebrities' kids can seem so annoying and pretentious. Like, what right do they have for all the fame and fortune that their parents worked hard for? Should they be given easy access to show business just because of their famous last names? It's almost infuriating to think about!

However, there are some exceptions to this. One, in particular, starred in one of my fave thrillers of the year: "47 Meters Down: Uncaged." She is Sistine Stallone, and if her last name hasn't given it away, she is the daughter of none other than Sylvester Stallone! Yep, Rocky himself has a kid going into show business. Now, at first I was annoyed, but then I watched the film and found her the best part of it. In all fairness, it looks like she inherited some of her father's chops. I really believed how terrified she was throughout the film. She was almost top-notch, to be perfectly honest! 

Luckily, and knowing her last name, I got her autograph during the premiere. I got most of the cast to sign my posters, really, but I always thought that hers and Nia Long's—a completely underrated actress—would bring in the most attention. Seeing her up close, she looked like a supermodel. This only means that looks-wise, she has the makings of a star. But then she had to prove her worth, which, as I previously mentioned, I think she did pretty well. 

Perhaps the most surprising part about her is how humble she actually is. Having grown up with so much privilege and beauty, I would have thought she'd be your standard snooty Valley Girl. But she was far from it. Kudos to Rocky for raising her well! 

Though it’s not for everybody, I think “47 Meters Down: Uncaged” is worth your while! If not to just discover who just might follow in her father’s footsteps and become Hollywood royalty herself! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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