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My and My Best Friends' Hard Work

I may have retired from the autograph-hounding game, but when I was doing that, it was the best time. I met so many amazing people in my journey and they made this hobby of mine feel like a life's calling. But part of what I'm most proud of is that those same people and I formed a group and we worked hard to get the best autographs! 

There is this one collection that we're just so extremely proud of. It's "The Hobbit" trilogy, perhaps my and some others' most favorite movie trilogy ever. It's even funny because, for some people in our group, it was sacrilegious to think that any of these latter movies can even compare to the first "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. 

While I still enjoy those films, "The Hobbit" movies just left bigger marks to me. All in all, we're all just big fans of Peter Jackson's Tolkien productions. It's how many of us bonded and became close friends in the first place. When other people share your passion, it's as if you share your soul with them too! 

I fondly remember the good times we spent on red carpet premieres. Screaming at the stars to get their autographs. We've all agreed, in unison, that the best-looking in all the three casts was Lee Pace. Even the guys in our group (yes, even the straight ones) swooned over him. While, of course, no one can beat Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug! He was simply epic in the role. Personally, my favorite was always Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins. In all the other stuff I've seen him in, he's always had this adorkable quality to him that made him perfect for the role of this specific character. 

Unfortunately, while we still remain friends, a lot of us are no longer autograph hounds. For me, it's because I moved away from the big cities, so I don't get to attend the red carpet premieres as much. Still, I and my friends are all so proud of this collection, and I hope any of you who will buy it will feel the same as well! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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