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Top Reasons Avengers: Endgame is The Perfect Superhero Movie

Avengers: Endgame is the perfect superhero movie of all time! Fight me! In fact, don't, just watch the movie for yourselves. It's close to four hours of cinema magic and each scene is a stand-out on its own.  And weirdly enough, it wasn't even your quintessential superhero movie. It exhibited some elements that are new to the genre. If watching it still doesn't convince you, here are some reasons that might.  

Lots of Unexpected Twists

The standard formula for superhero films is there are people that need saving and the superheroes save them, the end! But you have to admit, even with all sorts of special effects and all, that's gotten boring and pretty shitty. With "Endgame," the movie actually starts with the opposite. Here, they weren't able to save the day, and thus is the catalyst for another heroic adventure. And then there were all those shocking twists and deaths that completely shocking. Now those were f*cking amazing! A huge thanks to Marvel studios for not treating us Avengers audiences like sad little snowflakes! 

No Character is Perfect

Get it together, no character is perfect! No matter how hot Captain America is or how boss Black Widow was, they're far from cookie-cutter superheroes of yesteryear. And in this day and age, that's just what want. In fact. that's just what we need. A great example is Nebula. See how her character arc went from the original "Guardians Of The Galaxy" movies to the "Endgame?" She was a total bitch then and even she knew that! Her storyline in the MCU was so complex that I'm glad she got  a lot of screen time in "Endgame." She deserved it! 

Displayed Equality

It's 2019! F*ck you if you still think women can't be superheroes! But if you're a woke fan, for sure you had goosebumps when that A-Force scene happened during the final battle. Heck, none of them wouldn't even be there had Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow not sacrifice herself to get the Soul Stone! And then there was Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts who convinced Tony Stark to save the universe (spoiler alert: he did!). See, women were as much at the helm on this movie as the men were. They deserve some goddamn respect! 


Had a Happy Ending with Some Consequences

Remember that this is still a family movie. This is still a superhero movie mostly geared towards kids. Of course, it will have a happy ending. But like I mentioned earlier, it's their mature and complex approach that makes it perfect! And so, for now, Marvel's Cinematic Universe got a happy ending. The Avengers saved the day and the universe is at peace again. But at what cost? They lost Black Widow, Captain America, and Iron Man. Three important characters in the franchise and founding members of the Avengers. But, just like in real life, that's what you get. You may reach that happy ending, but a lot of sacrifices have to be made first! 

Did my reasons convince you “Avengers: Endgame” is the perfect superhero movie? If not, well, to each his own, I guess! But you can’t deny it’s one of the most successful movies in cinema history! An autographed poster of it will be worth millions in the future! 



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