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The Majesties of the Elven and Dwarf Kings


Sure, the likes of Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, and Marton Csokas were ethereal as the elves of the "Lord of the Rings" films. But after seeing "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," apart from Blanchett as the glowing Galadriel, Bloom and Csokas suddenly pale in comparison to Lee Pace and Richard Armitage as the kings of elves and dwarves respectively. 

I admit I've always had a crush on Lee Pace during "Pushing Daisies," but Richard Armitage was a revelation as King Thorin Oakenshield. Underneath his stereotypically savage dwarfish ways, I saw a sexy man waiting to break free. It was a battle of charisma between the two actors. And it didn't hurt that the storyline called for a rivalry between the two. While McKellen, Lee, Blanchett, and others displayed their talents, Pace and Armitage oozed star quality! 

This was why, during the premiere of the movie, I was most motivated to get their autographs. Sure, I had the other actors sign my posters as well, How could I not? They're still A-list celebs, at the end of the day! But personally, just having Richard Armitage and Lee Pace sign my posters were enough. 

When I first saw the extremely tall Pace come at me, I screamed my lungs out. Boy! Is he a handsome devil? Meanwhile, as I suspected, Armitage was a very sexy man underneath all that dwarf hair and prosthetics. He could have been an elf as well. And an elvish battle between these two? Lord, have mercy! 

I'll never forget attending that premiere! Those two actors reawakened my sexuality for Middle Earth creatures! Now, no human can do for me anymore... Just kidding! I'm not crazy, you know! Still, those two can come up and see sometime! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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