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Rolling Out My Luck for The Rolling Stones

Sometimes, you just gotta let luck take your life out for a spin. You never know what you might get in return. As for me, when my luck was at a high point once, I got what became one of my prized possessions: a signed poster of The Rolling Stones. And I've never even met them! 

So how was it possible that a nobody such as myself got a signed poster of The Rolling Stones despite never having met the band? There's no such thing as that much of good luck, is there? There is when you enter a contest for Rolling Stones fans. And seeing as I'm one of their biggest, I just happened to luck out and won the damn thing. And no, it wasn't easy. But, again, I was just extremely lucky. 

The contest was held by a local radio station and the rules were relatively simple. One just had to be the third caller and answer a trivia pop quiz on the spot. How it went was, as the host buzzed to start the contest, the first third caller could answer the trivia pop quiz. If he/she got it right, he/she would win the posters. But if that third caller got at least one question wrong, the third caller after him/her would get the chance to answer. But of course, to be the third caller, you not only had to time your call correctly, but there was also the risk of the first third caller who might know all the answers. 

Initially, I didn't know about the contest. my good buddy just rang me on the phone to tell me about it. As I tuned into the radio show, I called up the station, with my luck, was the third caller. Now I had to answer a trivia pop quiz about the band. I was fairly confident considering I know a lot about The Rolling Stones. After answering all ten questions, the host tallied all of my correct answers and found that I won the contest!

I'll never forget opening my package and seeing the signed posters for the first time. The fact that Mick Jagger wrote on all of them filled me with chills! Now, I hope the same excitement will fill up anyone who will buy the extra posters on this site! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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