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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. At Your Service.

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An Infinity of Signatures for "Infinity War"

What up dudes and dudettes? Fellow members of the comic book brigade! Waz happenin’!? Your resident movie-luvin' comic book nerd is back and I'm going to share my epic tale of how I got the cast of "Avengers: Infinity War" to sign my movie poster! It took an "infinity" to do it! (ba-dum-tss!)

So there I was, working another year at San Diego Comic-con. Luckily I live nearby, so every year I volunteer to work as an usher to all the important events. Yep, that's right folks! You mad I get to watch all those amazing press cons with all those big celebs? Well, stay pressed suckas!! 

Anyways, during the 2018 edition, I had the bright idea to get my friends in on my plan. We all had our own "Infinity War" posters and wanted to get them signed and give them here for a quick buck! So what did we do? Firstly, thanks for asking lol! And secondly, I got my friends extra passes, sneaked some costumes, and got them to line-up during the stars' meet-n-greets. Unbelievably, we all got Evans, Downey, Jr. Hemsworth, practically the entire gang to sign our posters! As for Stan Lee’s autograph, we were lucky enough to see him at an earlier event last year. He will be missed dearly. RIP, Stan

By Clark Yang


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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