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I Wish I Had Her As A "Personal Shopper" Too!

With her style and fab attitude, I'd love for Kristen Stewart to be my own personal shopper! It's amazing how she went from this awkward and angsty teen from "Twilight" to, now, one of the most fashionable women in the world. And among all her films, "Personal Shopper" shows off her style the best! 


I knew the moment I heard and read about "Personal Shopper" that I'd want to get Kristen Stewart's autograph on the poster. That look of her in a sparkly dress as a chiffon curtain slightly fades her off is so beautiful, it's almost like a painting! Having her autograph on it would be the piece de resistance! Unfortunately, the movie premiered at the Cannes Film Festival that year. I'm not that rich to travel all the way to Southern France just to get an autograph. And even if I did go there, there's no way I'd get a ticket to that event as well! 


Luckily, however, my friend Pierre is also a huge autograph hound and has been getting French celebrities' autographs left and right. We often chat online and met once before so I asked him to do me a solid and go to the Cannes Film Festival to get the cast's autographs. If you're wondering how in the world he'd be able to get into such a glamorous affair, he's actually a PR agent and a former model. He's gone to countless editions of the festival over the years. Going there for the "Personal Shopper" premiere wasn't just a piece of cake for him, I believe he was actually invited too. 


I was so stoked that he was able to see Kristen Stewart in the flesh. And I even saw on social media how beautiful she looked in her feathered frock. What a style icon! I waited impatiently for Pierre to send me some updates but he eventually got back to me the day after. As I expected, he got carried away with partying that night and was suffering a major hangover the next morning. But what was really sad (at least for me!) was that he got most of the cast's autographs except for Stewart's. He told me that she was so busy and was surrounded by press and other important people that it was borderline impossible to get to her. 


I was fully ready to give up until I saw that the movie was also going to premiere in New York too. Fortunately, by that time, I already got back the posters with the other cast members' autographs on them. Now, it's my turn to get her autograph. That night, she looked even more ravishing in a floor-length gown and shaved head. I was stunned! This woman can do no wrong! She looked hot, sexy, edgy, and everything! 


As intimidating as she looked, however, she was also pretty nice and personable. She had no qualms signing whatever fans gave here, even my stack of movie posters. She was even shocked that the rest of the cast had their autographs on them as well considering that not all of them attended the New York premiere. I told her about how my friend was in Cannes and all that stuff and she answered back saying it was a shame she didn't meet him. Such a nice girl! 


When I saw Kristen Stewart's autograph on the poster, it was as glorious as I first imagined it! It was one of the best times I went autograph-hounding! Amazing! 



Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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