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Getting Superman and Batman's Autographs at The Same Time

Despite the heavy, and oftentimes humiliating, work of an autograph hound, it does have its many perks. One such that I will never forget was getting Superman and Batman's autographs at the same time. Yup, I was able to get both the 'Man Of Steel' and the 'Dark Knight' to sign my movie posters. It was one of the best days ever! 

Although the day really didn't start that way. It was the premiere of the "Dawn of Justice" movie. Knowing the cast of the movie, I knew it would be a star-studded red carpet event, and fortunately, I got tickets for me and a couple of my friends. I asked them to help me get my movie posters signed because, well, I thought it'd be weird if I asked all the actors to sign all ten of them myself. I'd be keeping them for a substantial amount of time, causing many fans to hate me. And I should know cause I've seen many pricks to do it in other red carpet events. 

And so I got three of my buddies to join me at the event. things were going all right but then, suddenly, two of them won't be able to make it. One of them had a medical emergency and the other had an urgent work thing to attend to. I thought, "Shit! What am I gonna do now!?" I didn't want just me and my remaining friend to go on with the 'mission.' We'd both look like pricks! 

Then, as I was preparing to go to the premiere, my phone rang. It was my friend. I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach thinking he was going to cancel on me too. I was preparing to cuss him out until he told me that he found another person to go with us, his sister. I sighed and thought, "Whew! That was close!" And so I met up with my buddy and his sister and we saw the whole cast in person. We were all awe-struck! Both Cavill and Affleck were my favorite actors for their respective superheroes. And both were very kind enough to sign all our copies when they approached us. So did the rest of the cast, but seeing Superman and Batman in person was just something else! 

I only wish now that I get as much luck in my future autograph-hounding as I did that day! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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