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Five Colorful Films You Should Check Out Once in Your Life

Part of the cinematic experience is marveling at the beauty portrayed on screen. At the wonderful sets that enhance the story. At the beautiful costumes that authenticate the tales. And at the special effects that further convince us of this majestic reality. These are what makes movies the escape that they are. Even more so, however, when they're colorful. The more colorful a film is, the more it's likely to leave an impression in our minds. 

There are some that are truly stand-outs, with all-out sequences and amazing sets that are simply unbelievable. Here is a list of them for your viewing pleasure. 

Moulin Rouge!

"Moulin Rouge!" has a flurry of scenes that make it one of the most colorful films ever made. There's the "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" number, which mixes the sensuality of black with the passionate fire of red. Or what about the "Elephant Love Medley" sequence? Where the breezy blues blend so well with the sparkling fairness of Nicole Kidman and Ewan Mcgregor? This Baz Lurhmann musical is one of those movies that, whichever moment you pause, you'll get an astounding photograph. 

(Moulin Rogue! Autographed Poster | Click here to purchase)


Out of all the Pixar films, "Coco" is one that's strategic in coloring. In the beginning, when Miguel was still banned from playing music, the colors remained within a somber palette of beiges and nudes. But when he travels to the world of the dead, an almost intoxicating amalgamation of all sort of colors dominate the screen. Each corner lures your eye, making it impossible to focus on one part of the screen. It may have been the "land of the dead," but in this film, it was livelier than that of the living! 

(Coco Autographed Poster | Click here to purchase)

The Last Emperor

Like "Coco," Bernardo Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor" also used color rather strategically. In the days when Pu Yi was just crowned, with a bright future expected to be ahead of him, the colors were bright and shining. It was a gilded display of opulence that showed the last few vibrancies of Ancient Chinese culture and tradition. And scene by scene, the colors start to fade as Pu Yi's fate began to darken. By the end of it, it's a rather gray movie that's as somber as the real-life story. 

(The Last Emperor Autographed Poster | Click here to purchase)

Oz: The Great and Powerful

When taking on the wonderful world of "Oz" of course audiences will expect color. But here, it's not as bright as 1939's "The Wizard of Oz." Sure, it also used sepia tones in the beginning just like the classic, but when it went technicolor, the film remained within a similar tone all throughout. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The Wizard's adventure in Oz wasn't as bright and fruity as that of Dorothy's, so it made sense the coloring here, while still cheerful, was a bit monotone in vibe. 

(Oz: The Great and Powerful Autographed Poster | Click here to purchase)


The colors in the movie hairspray were as lively as the musical numbers. Be it in "The Corny Collins Show," 'Mr. Pinky's Hefty Hideaway dress shop,' or Motormouth Maybelle's record shop, each set and scene had its own delicious palette. Though every moment remained vibrant, even when the scene took on a more serious tone, it all still worked. And when you're having a rather dull gray day, this is the feel-good movie to watch!   

(Hairspray Autographed Poster | Click here to purchase)


Feast your eyes on any or all of these colorful films the next time you want to watch a movie. They all prove just how beautiful the movie industry can make life out to be! 

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