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Feeling Daft Meeting Daft Punk

I don't always feel daft. It's not really a good feeling, to be totally honest. But it was just my luck when I felt this as I met one of the finest duos in modern music, Daft Punk. Ironic, I know, but I didn't have much else to do. I felt daft meeting them due to the circumstances. 

It was the Grammy Awards. Daft Punk was nominated for a lot of awards, some even major ones. And if I remember correctly, they ended up winning a lot of them. However, it was at the pre-ceremony red carpet where I made a fool of myself. I went to the event along with a couple of friends who were also huge fans. We love Daft Punk. We appreciate their unique approach to music and their many collaborations with other amazing artists. So, in our hopes to meet them, we also brought our posters for them to sign. 

All throughout the pre-event, everything was just fine. Of course, we still fawned over the other celebrities, how can you not? But as loud as we screamed for them, we knew our main goal was to get Daft Punk to approach us and have them sign our posters. When we heard that they've finally arrived, we were in a complete frenzy. We were jumpy and excited, but we weren't making that much noise yet. And no, this isn't my 'daft' part yet, unfortunately. 

With my luck, my daft moment came when we finally saw these helmet-wearing DJs. Upon first glance, we started making noise to lure them in our direction. We looked wild, sure, but we weren't that far off from the other fans who've seen their idols. When they finally went our way, I was the only one who didn't realize it. Suddenly, my friends stopped screaming, and I turned towards them and asked, quite loudly, why they stopped. My buddy Gareth just pointed behind me, and as I turned around there they were. in shock, I screamed in terror, before, of course, descending into embarrassed laughter. We then asked for their autographs and, fortunately, they happily obliged.

Acting terrified isn't necessarily the best way to show your affection to your favorite stars. But in my case, that's what I did. To this day, I still feel daft remembering that whole incident! Oh well, at least I got their autographs! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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