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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. At Your Service.

Acting like Ants During the Filming of Ant-Man

By Pete Simmons

Let me tell you, seeing how Marvel movies are made never gets old! How do I know that? Oh, because I work for Marvel Studios! Well, I've worked for Marvel Studios as a helping hand of sorts. My cousin works under the casting director, so when the film needs a couple of extra crewmen, I'm their guy! But when they filmed Ant-Man, however, I got a few of my friends to join in on the fun. And I gotta admit, we had a secret mission of our own. 

The mission was simple: get as many as ten copies signed by all actors in the cast before filming was done. Then, sell these copies to earn some quick bucks. Genius right? Arguably, but the execution was harder than anything else! Firstly, he had to carry these big-ass metal contraptions to make the set. Yup, all those futuristic mumbo-jumbo you see in the film, I and my buddies built that! It took us hours of every single day to assemble all of that, which took more time from us getting our posters signed. 

So we devised a plan. We'll try to buddy up to these actors to get them to sign ten posters of the movie. Sounded like a great idea right? Well, not really! Apart from chickening out a few times, we never really got to talk to them. And so, we created another plan, taking inspiration from the film. We had to act like an ant colony, helping each other out to achieve one goal: to get all—or most—of our posters signed. And so, I and my four buddies took turns asking for autographs. We had to divide ourselves into each actor, one got Paul Rudd, another got Evangeline Lilly, and so on and so forth. 

Long story short, we succeeded! We all took our time, felt the room, and when we felt that the timing was good, we pounced! While there were some diva moments we had to endure—and honestly, with the hours they worked on, we can't really blame them—our work was done! Mission accomplished.

The next time you watch "Ant-Man," it may pay to really look into the lesson: acting like ants can work to your benefit at times. Even if you don't have a super-suit! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above. 

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