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Who worn the cape and cowl better? Top 5 Batman Actors Ranked

The Top 5 Batman Actors Ranked

Who is your favorite superhero? We’re sure at least a number of you will say, Batman. The caped crusader. The dark knight. This is because he is one of the most endearing and enduring superhero ever. In fact, he has successfully crossed over different generations with a handful of actors dawning the black/blue cape. So here we are ranking the best/greatest Batman ever


5. Ben Affleck

Well, this will be a little controversial. With a lot of great actors who played Batman, Ben Affleck may be the easiest to make fun of. Yes, he is not the most successful or the one who has the most Bruce Wayne-esque charisma but we’re sure there is one thing that he brings, controversy.

(Ben Affleck as Batman in Batman vs. Superman Dawn of Justice | Click here to purchase autographed poster)

4.Adam West

Wait, what! Adam West is number 4? He is the Batman we grew up with, how can you rank him 4th?

Adam West is a great actor and he brought something very different to the role, He was not called the bright knight for nothing! What Adam West lacks in, he makes up for his different style of acting. He made Batman from a cynical, dark superhero into a bright, comedic one. One in which appealed more to a younger generation.

 (Adam West as Batman in Batman The Movie | Click here to purchase autographed poster)

3. Kevin Conroy

It’s really hard to rank Kevin Conroy, he was not your typical Batman but him being the voice actor of the animated series, we cannot leave him off the list. He may not be the best “live-action” Batman but his voice became the iconic sound of the caped crusader. His voice is what one hears when we imagine Batman.

 (Kevin Conroy as Batman in Batman: The Animated Series | Click here to purchase autographed poster)

2. Michael Keaton

Oh, the start of the darker Batman as compared to all the previous Batman movies ever released. Keaton was the serious Batman, not a talker even as Bruce Wayne. I think Michael Keaton paved the way to the Batman that Bale preceded.

(Michael Keaton in Batman Returns | Click here to purchase the autographed poster)

1. Christian Bale

There’s a reason the Dark Knight series is one of the most successful in the movie franchise ever. Except for the fact that Heath Ledger is Joker, Christian bale delivers the best combination of Bruce Wayne, Batman, Voice, and Charisma ever. Period. Nuff said.

 (Christian Bale in Batman: The Dark Knight Rises | Click here to purchase the autographed poster)


For you, who was the best actor as Batman? Who wore the cape and cowl best? As Christian Bale says in Batman Begins: "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me." The same can be said for Batman actors, whose different portrayals aren't created equally.

Regardless of who your choice will be, pay homage to this amazing franchise with autographed movie posters hand-signed by cast members. Check out the Batman Collection here.

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