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What "Blockers" Was All About

At times, you can only really know about what a movie is when you've talked to its cast. When I used to work for a magazine a few years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing the cast of "Blockers" during their press junket for the film. It was only then that I understood what the movie was really about. As well as got my first celebrity autographs! 


What looks like your typical slapstick comedy about sex was actually a move all about how your family truly appreciates your worth. Even though you may not realize it yourself. Seems so heartwarming, right? At least, it's a lot more wholesome than sex-crazed clownery the trailers and sneak peek clips show it to be. Nevertheless, it was only when I interviewed its cast that I understood that this movie had a lot more depth than many would think. To my surprise, the stars themselves were a lot nicer in person too! More so than many that I've met before them! 


Luckily for me, my magazine has acquired a few copies of the movie poster. I asked my boss if I could get some signed to sell online and they agreed. So when they went to our offices for the press interview, before I ended my session with each one, I asked them to sign the posters. To my surprise, all of them agreed! I was most shocked at John Cena. I grew up watching him as this thuggish wrestler in the WWE but in real life? He is sweet, polite, and just. a big ol' teddy bear. He was more than happy to give his autograph!  


Leslie Mann, who I think is this generation's cinema comedy queen, was also very open to signing our posters. In fact, she was even excited to do it! When I asked, I remember her smile got bigger, her eyes sparkled, and she quickly asked for a pen. It was the first time I saw a Hollywood star be so excited to sign anything. And when she asked what would happen to the posters after she signed them (she figured we'd put on a promo in the magazine for lucky readers to win them), I answered her honestly, saying that we'd sell them online. Not only did she not get offended, but she also laughed and joked, "Of course!" 


Similar to Mann, Kathryn Newton, Geraldine Viswanathan, Gideon Adlon—the three teenagers in the movie—were all excited to give their autographs. It was fairly obvious to see that we were among the first to have asked them. They were new in the scene, after all. It was precious seeing them all excited and getting the star treatment. I wish I could have been there on premiere night when there would be hundreds or even thousands of fans asking for their autographs. It was a side to Hollywood others rarely see! 


In the end, "Blockers" became a well-received comedy that did well at the box office! And I love the fact that I understood the movie more for what it is than what it just shows on screen! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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