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Celebrity Blog

Dive into PosterMemorabilia.com's Celebrity Blog - an unrivaled backstage pass to the stars you love. Uncover the untold stories behind iconic memorabilia, relive cinematic magic, and explore the connections that make the world of celebrity memorabilia so captivating.

the hobbit

My and My Best Friends' Hard Work

I may have retired from the autograph-hounding game, but when I was doing that, it was the best time. I met so many a...

Getting Gandalf's and Galadriel's Autographs for the Last Time

When I went to the premiere of "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies," it was with a heavy heart that I asked th...

"Hello, Bilbo Baggins!"

You guys! Let me tell you... when they announced that Peter Jackson was going to make "The Hobbit" a film, I screamed...

The Majesties of the Elven and Dwarf Kings

  Sure, the likes of Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, and Marton Csokas were ethereal as the elves of the "Lord of the ...
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