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Celebrity Blog

Dive into PosterMemorabilia.com's Celebrity Blog - an unrivaled backstage pass to the stars you love. Uncover the untold stories behind iconic memorabilia, relive cinematic magic, and explore the connections that make the world of celebrity memorabilia so captivating.


Disney "Descendants" Are The Best! 

The value of friendship is one of the most important lessons I've learned watching Disney movies growing up. Those cl...

Passing On The "Soul" Even Across The Pond

Do you know what I realized during quarantine? That celebrities are far nice when they're just at home. Maybe it's be...

Driving Up to Hollywood to See "Cars 2"

  I'm so happy that Pixar is so open to sequels. Unlike those of Disney Animated Studios, wherein their classic fairy...

The Most Unique Disney Animated Films to Inspire Your Imagination

Disney is so good at making animated films that they always become classics. Even when it was just released a few yea...
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