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Rediscovering My Grandfather's Favorite Artist

Losing my grandfather was one of the most painful moments of my life. With my dad having died when I was just a toddler, it was my own granddad that raised me to be the man I am today. He shared to me all of life's greatest wonders, especially music. 

It was he who introduced me to one of America's great stars, Johnny Cash. Every evening, when my grandpa would go home doing all sorts of errands, he'd pop in a good Johnny Cash record and play it all throughout the evening. Spending a lazy night after dinner with him in our living room, as he cuddled with my grandma and I read my comic book, was one of the best times I had with my family. 

Of course, not everyone lives forever. and just a decade ago, my grandfather peacefully said goodbye and reunited with his Creator. I'm glad he didn't die a violent death, but the thought of never seeing and talking to him again really saddened me. It was only when I helped me grandmother sort out my grandpa's things did I feel his presence again. 

In their closet, underneath all those Johnny Cash records that he would play when I was little, there was a bunch of posters signed by the superstar himself. My grandma told me that when Cash once went to their town for a concert, my grandpa was part of the production staff. And during rehearsals, he was able to sneak in to the legendary icon's dressing room and politely ask for his autographs. She said that, apart from their wedding, and my and my dad’s births, that that was one of the proudest moments of his life. 

Now, I share the fruits of his labor with all of you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind my doing so. I remember, he always welcomed any fellow Johnny Cash fan into his home. Now, I hope y'all welcome my granddad's legacy into yours! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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