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Real Rockstars Never Die!

There are simply some rockstars that never die. Even when they pass away physically, the legacy they leave behind will stay alive and strong. And even when people think their careers are over, their works stand the test of time. One such band that this applies to is definitely Aerosmith! 

From their heyday decades ago to now, their songs remain in the general consciousness of music-lovers. And they were real rock stars too! They made their own music, wrote their own songs, and owned them on stage. They had a different type of charisma when they perform. It's as if they turn into superhuman beings or something. This is why I'll always be a fan of them. I wasn't even alive during their best years, but for me, they're still the best band around! 

Thanks to my boss, I had the privilege of meeting them when they held a meet-and-greet here in New York. I brought along my best friend, herself a huge Aerosmith fan as well, and we waited with bated breath for them. As soon as Steven Tyler appeared on-stage, we were in a frenzy! All of us literally started screaming, so much so that the hosts had a difficult time calming us down so that the event will properly start. 

So, as we all quieted down, out came the rest of the band the screaming erupted once more. It took a good 15 minuted before we could hear the host again—that's how wild it was then! Anyways, as the meet-and-greet went on, the band shared stories about their glory days, what it was like touring and traveling the world, and the impact their music had in the industry. I didn't know I could love them more than I did when I heard all of their amazing tales. 

After that, it was time to finally meet them. My friend and I were drenched in sweat with nervousness. Finally, after years of listening to them, we were going to meet our favorite band. When it came to be my turn, I held my breath and tried to act calm in front of the legends. Steven Tyler could tell I was a huge mess inside, and so he stood up and hugged me. I melted right then and there. I asked him and the rest of the band to sign my posters and they did. My friend also did the same and b the end of the night, we had a good number of signed posters. 

I will never forget that night. It may have been in the 2010s, but that night, when I met Aerosmith, I felt I was back in the 1980s when rock stars were kings and queens of this world. Real rock stars never really die at all! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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