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My First Time Attending a Star Wars Premiere

I often wished I was already born during the 1980s. That was, for me, the decade defined by Star Wars. The original trilogy, that is. With all due respect to the prequels and the new sequels, the original movies will forever be my favorite. They got me into the lore of this galaxy far far away. Still, I enjoyed the other movies too. In fact, the premiere for "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" was the first-ever red carpet event I attended. And so my autograph-hounding adventures started.  

The best thing I remember was meeting Natalie Portman. Carrie Fisher will forever be my crush in the Star Wars universe, but I have to admit that Portman's beauty is out of this world. She was incredibly young at the time, but she acted and looked mature for her age. And she was really nice, especially when she signed my posters. The same goes for Ewan McGregor, Obi-Wan himself. He seemed most appreciative of the attention all us Star Wars nerds were giving them. 

Liam Neeson, even at that time (Pre-Taken), already seemed intimidating. From the moment I met him and when he signed my few copies of the movie poster, I knew that he would be one of the best parts of the film. And I was right! The same goes for Samuel L. Jackson! I even tried to make him call me a 'motherfucker' Pulp Fiction-style, but seeing as there were kids both on the red carpet and on the audience, he respectfully declined. And what of Ian McDiarmid? A class act all the way! Never expected someone so kind portray THE Emperor Palpatine! 

So, that was my first red carpet experience and, to this day, remains to be one of the best. Most of the movie's stars signed all of my copies, and they were all class acts as well! Not a bad start for a novice autograph-hound at the time. Though now, I'm better at the game! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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