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Meeting "Big Hero 6" on The Red Carpet

I just love "Big Hero Six!" I wish I had my own Baymax to just hug and pal around with. I wish I had smart and dedicated friends who have my back no matter what! And I wish I had the smarts to make all the inventions that Hiro hacked up in the movie! Now that's a fun film! 

Luckily, I got the chance to go to the red carpet premiere for the movie in Hollywood. There was even a Baymaz mascot present then, which I really wanted to tackle just to feel his cushion-ness. Of course, I didn't! But believe me, I so wanted to. 

Anyways, when the cast started walking the red carpet, it was my and my team's time to work. With just the three of us, we all had a few copies of the movie poster. Though we initially planned to handle different celebrities, we still made sure that all the actors will get to in our posters. 

It wasn't easy, actually. The main cast alone already has seven actors. and getting them to sign each and every copy was definitely a challenge. Ryan Potter, who voiced Hiro, stood out to me with his polite candor and movie-star smile. Just as attractive was Genesis Rodriguez. Now, she's a bombshell! However, since this was a kid's movie, she had to look and act a little more conservatively. As did Jamie Chung who was pretty enough to be a Disney Princess herself! It's no wonder she played Mulan in ABC's "Once Upon A Time." 

All in all, it was a fun night for me and my team. The red carpet was great, the movie was awesome—the perfect night out for us adult Disney fans! Lol! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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