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"Doctor Sleep" Won't Help You Sleep!

Stephen King's novels are so damn scary, anybody who makes a film adaptation of any of them already has my money! In all honesty, at first, I was skeptical about "Doctor Sleep." the sequel to "The Shining." Mke Flanagan had the balls to follow up Stanley Kubrick's indelible classic with Jack Nicholson. But in all fairness, I think he delivered! 

So much so that I'm going to go on a limb here and proclaim as the scariest horror film of 2019! It's not at par with the 80s classic, but it's a good-enough follow up to it. And just like the latter, the movie kept me up at night after watching a preview screening of it. 

Being the autograph hound that I am, I just had to get the leads' autographs on my movie posters. I did it before with Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall, so I had to do it now with Ewan McGregor and Rebecca Ferguson. 

Just my luck, they were in town to guest at a late-night talk show to promote the movie. The program itself isn't that popular. In fact, I think it's just an online program. But the mere fact they got these Hollywood stars as guests means they're big! And so, as usual, McGregor and Ferguson were their typical charming selves. Even when the host had them play ridiculous games, they kept their cool and class intact! 

I went up to them to get their autographs right after the show. My team was with me at the time so we devised a plan so as to not overwhelm them. I got to them first, seeing as I was the most experienced one in the group, and one by one they'll follow after. It's safe to say, our plan worked cause the leads all signed out posters! Strategy! That's all you need when autograph-hounding! 

For all you cinephiles out there, do yourselves a favor and watch "Doctor Sleep!" No, it's not as good as Stanely Kubrick's "The Shining," but it's a great sequel nonetheless. Don't be so snooty and miss out on what is undoubtedly a scary good film! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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