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An Insightful Film That's Perfect For This Day and Age!

In a time where journalists are being targeted by world leaders, people should go see "The Last Full Measure." It tells the story of a Vietnam war veteran getting the Medal of Honor for his service & sacrifice and the journalist who went to great lengths to get his story straight. 

But even if that story is not enough to convince you to watch it, maybe the cast well. The film stars Sebastian Stan, Christopher Plummer, Samuel L. Jackson, and Ed Harris, among others. With a cast this heavy with stars, it's bound to be a hit. And in my personal opinion, it was! I had the privilege of getting a sneak peek of the film as part of a coalition of online movie critics. We're not that fancy, nor do we work in any major publication or anything like that. But apparently, our opinions matter to these filmmakers. And I personally fave the film two thumbs up! 

In fact, I liked it so much, I ended up attending the movie premiere. I went with a couple of buddies and I was eager to see their reactions to the film. But also, I wanted their help in getting the stars' autographs. I'm a fan of many of these actors and I bought a couple of the movie's posters for them to sign. But I didn't want to do it alone. It'd be weird of they saw me with many copies of the same poster. 

As the pomp and circumstance of the red carpet movie premiere were underway, my buddies and I went to work. We did all that we could to get the stars' attention and to our luck, many of them approached us. Samual L. Jackson was, by far, the most interesting star we met. He had a badass swag to him but also, he was a kooky character. Christopher Plummer, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Upon first glance, you'll instantly know that he's of another age and another class of actors. The way he presented himself was sublime. 

The younger actors—Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Irvine—I saw them as superstars in the making. Granted they're already popular at this stage of their careers, but I have a good feeling they'll grow to be bigger than are now. In fact, I think Stan's performance here was almost Oscar nomination-worthy. Not yet a winner, but getting there!  

And as I suspected, my buddies ended up loving the movie too. It's quite a film! Any of you who are patriotic or who enjoys a good tear-jerker, this movie's for you! It's worth every penny to buy the DVD! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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