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How I met Mariah Carey at a Kid's Movie!

In all my life, I would have never imagined that I'd meet one of the most legendary singers of our time at a kid's movie! Will wonders never cease? I don't think so! Still, it was rather bewildering meeting Mariah Carey during the premiere of "The Lego Batman Movie." It's certainly one of the strangest experiences I've ever had autograph-hounding! 

I honestly didn't think she'd appear. Though she is part of the cast, I thought that her diva impulses won't allow her to grace an even full of screaming kids. But then again, she is a mom. A mother of twins, she knew it'd be a perfect opportunity for fans to see her in a different light. However, that didn't mean she had to sacrifice her signature glamour. She rocked that red carpet with what was perhaps one of the flashiest outfits I've ever seen during a premiere of a kid's movie. It was a combination of a multi-colored sequinned jacket, skinny jeans, metallic high heels, a pair of sunglasses, and a diamond necklace. 

I smiled seeing her pose for the cameras with each child hold her hands. She was living for it, as I was a huge fan of hers. When I saw her, I no longer cared that I got the rest of the cast's autographs on my movie posters. Sure, that was an incredible feat: getting the likes of Will Arnet, Michael Cena, Rosario Dawson, and even the great Ralph Fiennes' signatures. But the moment "La Carey" descended on the red carpet, all I could think of was her. After screaming her name for about ten minutes, she came to me and, without even lifting off her sunglasses, signed my posters! 

That right there made it the best day for me. I'll always live for Mariah Carey. She was the touch of glamour I needed to survive a red carpet premiere of a kid's movie! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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