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Some Top Diva-Dominated Films From the 21st Century

"Diva is a female version of a hustler!" sang Beyonce in her 2008 hit single, "Diva". And what's with the talk of female hustlers all of a sudden? Well, STX Entertainment recently released the trailer for their upcoming star-studded film, "Hustlers". The movie features the likes of JLo, Cardi B, Constance Wu, and more as female strippers who steal money from their rich 'Wall Street bro' clients in a modern Robin Hood-type caper. Empowering as they seem on screen, women have shown more dominance than that before. And they didn't even need to steal their way to power neither.

So before you watch this new movie, here are some films worth checking that's all about girl power too. 

Charlie’s Angels (2000)

Sorry Kirsten Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinska, while y'all looked so cool in the new "Charlie's Angel" reboot, you can never replace Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, and Drew Barrymore. This trio was the shit back in the early 2000s, and they still look fit enough to take on their roles again! Barrymore's aggression, Liu's intelligent calculative personality, and Diaz's bright and sunny personality all meshed so well! And perhaps, what I thought made them so powerful was their femininity. Sure, they took on big and brawny bad guys, but they did so with finesse, style, and a little bit of sex appeal! 

Kill Bill (2003)

Say what you want about Quentin Tarantino (he's a cinematic genius, but even I have to admit, he seems like such a creep!), he knows a thing or two about female hustlers! Uma Thurman in Kill Bill will always be the badass b**ch every girl should aspire to be. Her reasons for killing are noble, her style of fighting is awesome, and just because a chick is the lead doesn't mean it can't be violent! In fact, many critics claimed that this movie was one of Tarantino's bloodiest ever. Now if you're as big a Tarantino fan as I am, you'll know that that's saying something! 

Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

You might be badass, but you'll never be Jessica Chastain cursing at a bunch of burly Navy Seals badass! For such a small, delicate-looking, and beautiful woman, she sure can be a b**ch! And you know what? She's damn proud of it! Chastain's 'Maya' in Zero Dark Thirty will always be one of the best onscreen divas ever portrayed. I mean, she killed Osama frickin' Bin Laden, for Christ's sake! Of course, she's a f**cking badass! But she's also intelligent, strong-willed, determined, and brave. She was confident in herself with what she was doing, and at the end of the day, her instincts were right! 

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Tom Hardy may have been the lead in this, but let's be honest, the women reigned supreme here! And give me a shaved Charlize Theron any day and you'll have me glued to the screen! The women here were just so enigmatic. They may have started out as a damsel in distress, but at the end of the day, they become the heroes themselves. It was all about survival, and in this God-forsaken world, women have to do as much as they can to not only thrive but also survive! There was a realistic element to this film that touched a lot of nerves, I bet! 

These films and these women should get you excited about seeing JLo and Cardi B thug it out in “Hustlers!” All of them should prove to anyone by now that women are no longer just damsels in distress. In fact, at times they create the distress! 

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